Three tools for every home bartender must have

Making drinks at home is a skill you can build over time. These three tools will help you improve and are a must-have for any bartender.
Bartender Erica Cekada pours an Excitable Boy cocktail at the newly opened Nighthawks Lounge on
Bartender Erica Cekada pours an Excitable Boy cocktail at the newly opened Nighthawks Lounge on | Joshua L. Jones / USA TODAY NETWORK

Making your own cocktail is a skill that comes with practice and ends with a sense of accomplishment when you’re enjoying a mix that you put together yourself. Just like many other skills, having the right items on hand can help you in leaps and bounds. As you go about building your own home bar, think about these three items that must be among the tools at your disposal.

Bottle Openers & Corkscrews

Everyone has been there at least once. You’re with friends and everyone is prepared to crack open a drink. However, that moment hits when you all realize no one has the can opener. When putting together a personal bar, don’t make that same mistake. There are several types of bottle openers and corkscrews available. Be sure to purchase a few that can be used for bottles like beers, and corkscrews that you can use for wine. The best bet is to have multiple available so people aren’t waiting in line to enjoy their drink. There are also several electronic openers that make the job even easier.

Measuring Cups

So, this is for the beginner or those looking to test their cocktail making skills with a new drink. It’s never too much of a step to measure out the ingredients of your drink. Doing so ensures that you are making the drink correctly, while avoiding going too far in one direction or the other. Keep measuring cups on hand because “eyeballing” is one way to completely ruin a drink before you’re even finished making it.

Chilled Glasses

Everyone has their own opinion on the best drinking glasses. Yet, you should still step up your game and break out the chilled glasses. There are several types of glasses that you can keep in the refrigerator or the freezer that are ready to use when you’re hosting. Yes, ice cubes are always an option, but as they melt the drink becomes watered down. Instead, a chilled glass keeps the drink cool all the same.