TSA PreCheck and Global Entry are must haves for all travelers

Travelers wait in line at a Transportation Security...
Travelers wait in line at a Transportation Security... | SOPA Images/GettyImages

Traveling can be a fun experience with a lot of high moments, but that doesn’t mean those experiences don’t include moments of stress. That is why it’s important to take every precaution to help eliminate stress along the way. TSA PreCheck and Global Entry are two important tools that any frequent traveler should invest in because their benefits far outweigh the costs.

Both TSA PreCheck and Global Entry are two services offered that are meant to expedite the security process for frequent travelers. Both allow you to quickly move through airport security, thanks to the prescreening processes to validate everyone’s status. Imagine not having to worry about standing in those long security lines or being subject to random searches along the way. TSA PreCheck and Global Entry both make this happen.

Global Entry could be considered an expanded version of TSA PreCheck. It is a program offered by the Department of Homeland Security that requires a one-time application fee, background check, and an in-person interview. If you are approved with all the steps then you are granted Global Entry for a five-year status that can be renewed at the end of each cycle. Global Entry also gives you accelerated entry through United States Customs and TSA PreCheck at all domestic airports.

Which is best for you? TSA PreCheck or Global Entry

There are slight differences between TSA PreCheck and Global Entry. TSA PreCheck is best for domestic travelers. The application fee costs $78 first-time and $70 for each online renewal. You can also bring individuals under the age of 12 through TSA PreCheck without their own status in the program. Global Entry costs $100, with all renewals coming at the same price. Children of all ages must also have their own Global Entry membership.

The interview process for both options is quick, lasting from 10 to 20 minutes. If your application is denied you will receive correspondence as to why.

Global Entry and TSA PreCheck are two worthwhile programs that immediately pay for themselves, even if you travel only one time per year. But the more frequently you travel, the more valuable these programs become. Visit each program’s website to learn more and begin the process while taking a major step toward making your travel experiences less stressful.